India's most popular comedian Kapil Sharma is in news once again, this time not for his comic actions. He has become the latest victim of country's infamous bureaucratic system. The actor was asked to pay a bribe of rs 5 lakh by a Brihanmumbai Municipal Corporation (BMC) officials for clearing the file of his new office that is under construction.
And kapil sharma took this issue on twitter and tweeted that:
" I am paying 15 cr income tax from last 5 year n still i have to pay 5 lacs bribe to BMC office for making my office @narendramodi," Sharma said in a tweet."
and in his next tweet he again tagged prime minster narendra modi and asked, "Yeh hain aapke achhe din ?"
Maharashtra CM Devendra Fadnavis also took notice of the matter, and replied to Sharma on Twitter. In his tweet he asked kapil sharma to provide all information and directed MC, BMC to strict action against BMC officer who asked for bribe and promised him to take strict action.
BMC has also requested Sharma to make a formal complaint and tell them the name of the officer who demanded bribe from him.
And kapil sharma took this issue on twitter and tweeted that:
" I am paying 15 cr income tax from last 5 year n still i have to pay 5 lacs bribe to BMC office for making my office @narendramodi," Sharma said in a tweet."
and in his next tweet he again tagged prime minster narendra modi and asked, "Yeh hain aapke achhe din ?"
Maharashtra CM Devendra Fadnavis also took notice of the matter, and replied to Sharma on Twitter. In his tweet he asked kapil sharma to provide all information and directed MC, BMC to strict action against BMC officer who asked for bribe and promised him to take strict action.
BMC has also requested Sharma to make a formal complaint and tell them the name of the officer who demanded bribe from him.
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